October 2015

Kansas-Nebraska Radio Club
Kristy’s Family Restaurant – Concordia, Kansas
October 17, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Justin Reed (NV8Q) at 10:50 a.m. with 20 members and guests present. The minutes were approved as read as was the Treasurer’s report. We began by everyone introducing themselves.


Doyle (WB0SRP) says that they have a new administrator at the Cloud County Museum. He will continue to work with the electrician to try to get our antenna up on the building.


Doyle contacted the cafe in Miltonvale for our annual Holiday meal. Saturday November 21st is available. We voted to have it there on Saturday November 21st at 11:30 a.m. with our regular monthly meeting to follow.


The Norway Repeater needs the antenna straightening and tightened before it falls off the tower.

Stew (KE0AYD) wondered if our club wanted to be affiliated with ARRL. Doyle said he will look into this. Discussion followed and a motion was passed to resume membership with ARRL. The ARRL personal dues will be going up in January 2016 so if you need to renew them before if possible.

An election of club officers was held. The new officers are:
President: Chuck Moore (N0MXI) of Minneapolis.
Vice President: Greg Geyer (N0LLH) of Beloit.
Treasurer: Doyle Scott (WB0SRP) of Miltonvale.
Secretary: Diane Woodman (KB0RSK) of Belleville.


2015 Bert Voth (W0UTS) and Howard Herrman (KC0CXM)
2016 Larry Woodman (KB0RSJ) and Terrence Stewart (KE0AYD)
2017 Al Urick (KE0EYG)

K.N.R.C. Secretary, Diane Woodman (KB0RSK)

Transcribed to WordPress by NV8Q.