
Kansas Nebraska Radio Club Meeting



The Kansas NebraskaRadio Club will have their monthly meeting at Kristy’s Cafe , downtown Concordia Ks May 20 at 9:30. Coffee and breakfast and meeting to follow after the important stuff. This will be the last meeting before Field Day, which is June 24 and 25 in Beloit Ks



Field Day 2017

2017_Field_Day_Carousel_333_X_220                                                  Mitchell Co Fair Grounds

The Kansas Nebraska Radio Club will be having Field Day at the Mitchell County Fair Grounds in Beloit Ks June 24-25 2017. Everyone is invited to participate in setup and in the operation of amatuer radio. Supper this year will be provided by the club, to let the ladies take a break from cooking. Pizza and/or Subway Sandwiches are what we have in mind. Plenty of space for campers, tents with electricity available. If you are interested in coming please let me know. Watch for updates on Facebook , on here and Listen on the Saturday Evening 9:00 Net

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