A reminder for the KNARC NET tonight at 20:00 hrs. You don’t have to be a member, just a licensed amateur radio operator.
Author: Chuck Moore
July Club Meeting
The KNARC monthly club meeting will be July 20 @ the Kounty Kafe in Miltonvale ,Ks, start will be 9:30 for breakfast with meeting to follow. Everyone is Welcome.
Kansas QSO Party
Field Day 2024
Everyone’s is invited to ARRL Field Day in Glasco, Ks on Saturday June 22. Setup will begin at 10:00 and operation will began around 1:00pm. Potluck supper will be 6:00-6:30 Saturday evening. Please bring a side dish, the club will providing hamburgers, hot dogs and brats. If you are going to attend please let us know. 73″s NR0W
Field Day 2018
On June 23rd, 2018, the Kansas-Nebraska Radio Club will be participating in the 2018 Amateur Radio Relay League Field Day. The KNRC will be set up at the Glasco VFW in Glasco, KS located just north of Spaulding Ave on Railroad Ave. We will have our Communications Trailer set up and it will be open to the public to see and ask questions. We will be setting up around 10am on the 23rd.
Every June, more than 40,000 Hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate Ham Radio’s science, skill, and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in Ham Radio.
As part of this event, the KNRC will be running on a generator and using temporary antennas. This is designed to simulate operation in an emergency and disaster situations. We will be making contacts with other Ham Radio Operators across the nation using different modes of making contact.
2017 Christmas Get Together
The Kansas Nebraska Radio Club 2017 Christmas party will be 18 Nov 2017 at the Kountry Cafe downtown Miltonvale, Ks at 2:00 p.m. Hope to see all the club members there. Thanks Chuck N0MXI
Board Members 10-21-2017
Just to let people know we had election of officers at the monthly meeting 10 Oct 2017. Chuck Moore, President, Greg Geyer, V.P. , Doyle Scott, Treasurer and Diane Woodman as Secretary. All of the other positions also remained the same. Thanks and 73’s Chuck N0MXI
Tech class Oct 16 2017
AD0NX, N0LLH and NX0D have started a new tech class at the North Central Area Technical College at Beloit Oct 16 2017 @ 7:00. The classes will be on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7:00 for anyone interested.
Interest reading about amateur radio in Kansas