April 2015

Kansas Nebraska Radio Club
April 9th 2015
Courthouse Concordia, Ks.

The meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m. with 14 members and guests present by President Justin Reed. The minutes were approved as read as was the Treasurer’s report given by Doyle Scott.



Doyle is still waiting on the electrician for the antenna at the museum.

Field Day discussion followed. There was discussion on antennas for Field Day in June.

REPEATER BUSINESS: Justin talked about Yaesu repeaters for $500.00.


Justin Reed got hornswaggled into doing the Kansas Amateur of the Year Award mailings. Discussion followed.

Linda will let us know about the club meeting in May.

Justin would like suggestions for programs for future club meetings.

It was suggested that we begin having breakfast at Kristy’s at 9:30 a.m. the third Saturday of each month beginning in May with our monthly meetings to begin at 10:00 following breakfast. The motion was seconded and carried to do this. Linda Scott will check with Kristy’s to see if this time is available and let us know.

Justin has been working on setting up a web-site for our club.

Stew and Nathan were mentioned as prospects to help. The web site is now http://knrc.ks0lnk.net

The motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.

KNRC Secretary Diane Woodman (KB0RSK)