August 2015

Kansas Nebraska Radio Club
Kristy’s Family Restaurant – Concordia Kansas
August 15, 2016

The meeting was called to order by Greg Geyer (N0LLH) at 10:50 a.m. with 10 members and guests present. The secretary’s report was approved as read as was the treasurer’s report given by Doyle Scott (WB0SRP).




A card was passed and signed for the family of silent key, Jim Bell (N0STV). He will be sadly missed as he was an active member of our club for many years.

Linda Scott has reserved the shelter house east of the swimming pool in the Concordia City Park. Thanks Linda. Our annual club picnic will be Sat. September 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Discussion followed.

Chuck reports that on Oct. 3 and 4th. there will be a rare special event station. Chuck will keep us posted on this event.

Doyle reports that he is still waiting on the electrician to finish his project at the Cloud County Museum.

Marlin reports that they will be having a Special Event Station at the Hollenberg Pony Express Station in two weeks August 30th.

Doyle wants to know if the club wants to print more membership cards. Chuck will look into this and we also need more QSL cards.

Doyle is thinking Monday and Thursday for another Ham Radio Class again this fall, possibly in mid-September.

The motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:35 a.m.

Kansas Nebraska Radio Club secr.
Diane Woodman KB0RSK